“Those opposed to a future of collective human dignity and flourishing trade endlessly in pessimism and fear. As scholar-activists our charge is to keep alive the long memory of the many people who have refused this cynicism and placed their best hopes for the future in one another.”

Daniel Martinez HoSang, PhD

Daniel Martinez HoSang is the author, coauthor, or coeditor of six books, including most recently A Wider Type of Freedom: How Struggles for Racial Justice Liberate Everyone. He is coeditor (with Joe Lowndes) of a forthcoming volume of essays titled The Politics of the Multiracial Right and has written extensively about race and conservatism.

HoSang also leads a collaborative investigation into the history and afterlives of eugenics research at Yale and other universities documented through the Anti-Eugenics Collective at Yale. He has taught seminars for K–12 public school teachers on antiracist curriculum and pedagogy and collaborates through the Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning Collective. He has a long record of collaboration with community-based organizations and labor unions as a trainer, board member, and advisor.


A Wider Type of Freedom: How Struggles for Racial Justice Liberate Everyone

A sweeping history of transformative, radical, and abolitionist movements in the United States that places the struggle for racial justice at the center of universal liberation.

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Producers, Parasites, Patriots Race and the New Right-Wing Politics of Precarity

In Producers, Parasites, Patriots, Daniel Martinez HoSang and Joseph E. Lowndes explore how recent economic power concentration in the U.S. has created new forms of racialization, altering racial dynamics and class politics, particularly within right-wing movements, by shifting economic protections of whiteness and promoting certain conservatives of color within the neoliberal framework.

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